One day, there was a man named Nico. He went to German. He arrived at the aiport. He looked around then a little girl named Emma approached him. The little girl said something but he didn't understand Germany well. Then her aunt, brought the girl away. When he leaved the airport, his bag is taken into a taxi and carried away. Emma and her aunt saw that and luckily, they wanted to help Nico and gave him a drive to the city. In the car, Lisa and Emma taught him mini German lessons and Nico also told Lisa that he have to find his aunt. When they stop to put gas in the car, he saw something familiar. He thought that is the taxi that brought his bag, but unfortunately it's not.

In the gas station, Nico, Lisa, and Emma met Lisa's friend Max. Lisa told him that Nico lost his bag. Max suggested that they should call Lisa's father to help with Nico. Lisa called her father, a policeman, and told him about Nico's problem and help Nico to find his aunt. Nico and Emma play a game in the car while they went to drop Emma to her house. Lisa accompanied Emma to her mom. While waiting for Lisa, Nico hears a radio news then he called the radio station and told them about his missing bag. 

After dropping Emma,  Nico and Lisa went to the police station where lisa’s father work. Lisa’s father agreed to help them and they went to Lisa's house. Her housemates arranged a party. Nico showed Nina and Sebastian the photo of his aunt and Sebastian had the idea to post the photo online to see if anyone recognizes the bicycle shop. Finally, Nico, Lisa and others ordered pizza and find out that someone has responded to the photograph of his aunt's bicycle shop on social media.

The party started. Nico met Selma, who is from Damascus, and learned how to speak about cardinal directions in German. As the part continues, they played a game with food from various countries. Nico learned that Nawin has gotten a job in France, but is reluctant to leave Germany. As they cleaned up after the party, the group talked about the nationalities of the various guests and the languages they speak. Sebastian then interrupted with shocking news. They already found Nico's aunt's address. 

The next morning, Lisa was in a rush but promised Nico that they will go see his aunt after she is finished with work. Lisa is teaching her students the importance of learning nouns along with their articles. After the finish with her job, Lisa went with nico to find his aunt bike shop but Nico was disappointed because they have the wrong address for his aunt's bike shop.

Whether Nico will find his aunt? Will he get his bag back? What will happened to him?

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Deutsch lernen (A1): Ganzer Film auf Deutsch - "Nicos Weg" | Deutsch lernen mit Videos | UntertitelYouTube video   ‪1 hour 43 minutes‬


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